The Gong from its birth in the bronze age soon becomes an object of study by the wise and shaman of those times, being they who begin to discover their true and great potential. At that time the creation of the Gong was made to order the craftsman doing it for its owner as a custom tool.

Thousands of years later this wonderful instrument is still alive and in the age of Aquarius, the era of truth in which we are taking our first steps, the Gong is taking more and more strength every day, every day there are more people who feel the call to be touched by the Gong raising the vibration that we need so much in our beloved blue planet.

Everything in life happens to us by causality and not by chance and, it is now when you look back and understand the reasons for so many experiences and learnings. After a career as a professor of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, complement the studies in Tantric Numerology, energy harmonization of Chakras, yogic masseuse, Gong player, gong player trainer, Real Gong was born with the purpose of creating the Gong directly for your dressing table and that Everyone has the opportunity to acquire the Gong created by and for him being a unique and unrepeatable piece from the beginning.

Remembering the saying “he who was a cook before a friar knows what is being cooked in the kitchen” In our way of creating we are very aware of the power of this instrument and therefore we treat them with all possible Love In addition to doing Gongs, we also give gong baths, bids, individual sessions, gong initiation courses and advanced training courses, support in retreats and festivals.

With our stand we attend Yoga festivals in France, Andalusia, Galicia and in fairs and health exhibitions in Bioculture. Where you can try, listen and feel our Gongs.

(c) 2019-2022 ReAlGong